Thursday, December 23, 2010

Eat shepherd 's-purse can treat the dry eyes

Shepherd's Purse called Haruna, alias wild chestnut, to vegetables, grass care, heart-shaped vegetables, growing in fields, roadsides and gardens, Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western nutrition and diet experts Wangdong Xu, deputy chief physician, said there is heat to stop bleeding Shepherd's Purse , Liver eyesight, swelling of the diuretic effect. "Doctors do not record" made its "primary benefit qi, and the"; "food by" words and "fill the Heart"; "Lu Chuan Materia Medica" made its "swelling detoxification, treatment furuncle, red eyes." Shepherd's purse contains a lot of carotene, B vitamins and vitamin C, calcium, iron content is higher. Compared with common vegetables in the spring, shepherd's purse of oxalic acid was relatively low, so the shepherd's purse of calcium, iron and other substances and are more easily absorbed by the body.
Office workers prone to dry eye, shepherd's purse is rich in carotene, eat shepherd's purse can prevent dry eye, dry eyes can also reduce the discomfort of the symptoms. The shepherd's purse of cool, spleen and stomach were unfit for human consumption, particularly amorphous stool, loose stools are frequent.
Shepherd's purse are many therapeutic methods, can be fried, can be boiled, can be stewed, can for filling, are fresh and delicious, unique flavor. Wang Dongxu particular, we recommend the following three shepherd's purse to the therapeutic side, readers may wish to try.

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